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    Rosana Killen img 5

    Trained with Sam for over a year and he was fantastic. I have used a number of personal trainers in thetpast but the most progress I have made was definitely with Sam. The workouts always varied between cardio, weight training and mobility. The sessions really pushed me to achieve as much as I could. Sam is really encouraging and makes them fun and challenging. Would absolutely recommend Sam as a trainer as he has such a wide ranging background in fitness and always wants to get the results for his clients.

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    Sam Kemp img 5

    I first got into contact with Sam over a year ago regarding whether he would help me get fit for the army and my basic training. Little did I know Sam would do more than that , he made me feel confident about myself and feel comfortable walking into a gym and training by myself which two years ago would have been a very scary and daunting thing for me to do . Our classes would often consist of weight training, strength and conditioning, Cardio and my personal favourite boxing . He helped me believe in myself, that I could lift a lot more then I thought I was capable of. I felt I was fit enough and strong enough to attend basic training with the best support behind me . Even throughout my training Sam was there showing his support and encouragement. I would seriously recommend Sam to anyone who is wanting to train themselves for the Armed forces , or wanting to get fitter. He offers great sessions and guidance on different lifting techniques and how to use the machines at Empowered Fit , enough I feel confident in using them on my own . I always look forward to our training sessions knowing he will make me work hard . But hard work always pays off !!

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    Niall Brady img 5

    Sam is a warm, friendly and family guy, can be a bit of a joker ;) but immediately makes you feel at ease. His background as a Royal Marine makes him the perfect PT for the job. His boxing experience and skills are beautifully displayed if you get the chance to see him fight or train. Sam is always investing in self development and training with other coaches to push himself further! I would highly recommend!

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    Sam Thorley img 5

    Sam is an exceptional personal trainer. He has helped me transform my fitness by creating fun, creative and challenging programs. His mix of humour and intensity makes each session enjoyable, but more importantly great value.

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    Haider Shah img 5

    Well balanced plan that was tailored specifically to my needs. Made amazing progress including a 20kg PB deadlift and 10kg squat pb, and able to do twice as many reps on my old PBs. Sam was attentive and constantly there if I needed him on my programme and adjusted things well if I struggled. I always found cardio tough, but since Sam's programmes, I feel more comfortable with short bursts of energy and longer bursts, doing my first ever 5k during his programme